European Union
EU’s Morgherini: EU can pivot global network of regional blocs to build New Global Order
‘In this world, walls are made to be torn down’
“Our cooperation with our friends and partners around the world is based mainly on this: in trying to support and encourage regional integration and partnerships. That is true in the Arab world and the Middle East, that is true for Africa with the African Union…it is true in Asia with the ASEAN, or in Latin America with CELAC. The European Union can pivot a global network of regional alliances. A New Global Order can benefit immensely from improved regional cooperation, in terms of security and in terms of narrative, on building this multilateral New Global Order.”
Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Vice President of the European Commission, Dec 8, 2015, The Hague Institute
‘EU needs Brazil for a new global strategy’
‘Alliance between the regions of planet that favour multilateralism organised around the UN’
‘Alliance is strategic at a global scale’
Euractiv, May 15, 2023 – Europe dreams of an international system presided over by respect for the principles of the United Nations Charter and international law, but we know well enough that the UN does not have the authority to enforce any of this on its own.
For this reason, the success of such a paradigm inevitably depends on the alliance between the regions of the planet that favour multilateralism organised around the UN, liberal democracy and human rights, and an open economy framed within a world trade system that respects social rights and the environment. Latin America and Europe share these goals. This is why their alliance is strategic at a global scale.
European Union’s official Global Strategy: Region-Building
Post-Brexit, the EU doubles down, vows to support, ‘invest in regional orders’ and ‘regional governance’ for North America, South America, the Middle East, Africa, and other regional blocs
By Tim Porter
Surely, Europa is riding this beast. As if the abundant corroborating evidence compiled over decades of globalist “region-building” schemes were not enough to convince the American public of this threat to national sovereignty, along comes the European Union to give a rare, official confirmation of its intent.
And as President-elect Donald Trump prepares to protect America’s borders and national security, he will have to guard against a collusion of Washington and EU elitists bent on subverting his efforts.
The European Union Global Strategy document was officially released on June 28, just five days after the June 23 Brexit vote to leave the EU was passed by the British population.
At Davos, European Distress Over a ‘Made in [North] America’ Law
New York Times, Jan 21, 2023 – The U.S. Inflation Reduction Act stirred talk of a trade war, but also proposals for a similar E.U. initiative to stimulate green investment…. The new law, for example, provides buyers of electric vehicles a federal tax credit of up $7,500 — but only if those vehicles are made in North America.
The deception of the New York Times with their ‘Made in America’ headline is despicable. They buried the real truth in the article.
France to push for ‘Made in Europe’ strategy at Feb EU summit
Reuters, Jan 16, 2023 – France wants the European Union to adopt a “Made in Europe” industrial strategy in response to the U.S. scheme of subsidies for green investment, to keep industrial firms from leaving Europe and reduce members’ dependence on outside suppliers.
EU proposes supply chain emergency powers, spooking business
Reuters, Sep 19, 2022 – Europe-based companies could be made to prioritise production of key products and stockpile goods under draft EU rules that would give Brussels emergency powers to tackle supply chain crises.…
Europeans support a more ‘geopolitical European Union’
Aljazeera, Sep 30, 2022 – A new survey of public opinion in European and North American countries shows faith in Europe’s geopolitical importance growing, as confidence in the United States’s long-term influence falters against a backdrop of the war in Ukraine.
Russia’s war in Ukraine is turning the European Union into a serious military player
Foreign Policy, March 20, 2022
The European Commission (“EC”) has proposed legislation—the EU Chips Act—focused on developing a domestic EU semiconductor industry and reducing dependency on foreign imports. The proposal is part of the EC’s strategy to incentivize manufacturing in the EU and achieve “strategic autonomy” in the technology sector in particular.
EU Elections ‘Last Chance to End Nationalist Nightmare’ – Verhofstadt
MEP, EU Brexit coordinator wants to shut down opposition to federal EU superstate
Breitbart, March 6, 2019 – This year’s EU election will be the “last chance” to kill populism, Guy Verhofstadt has warned, calling for sovereignty-destroying “reform” which would transfer national powers to Brussels….
Asked why he believes populist sentiment has been strengthening across the bloc, the former Belgian prime minister blamed the internet, before going on to echo Macron in endorsing an EU-wide purging the internet of so-called “hate”.
Socialist European Union insider and Brexit coordinator Guy Verhofstadt has long had a radical vision for an EU superstate within a New World Order framework of similar regional blocs. When he was prime minister of Belgium in 2001, Verhofstadt revealed the following framework model (click to enlarge):
European Union model
‘This is a lesson for all other regions of the world’
Daily Times (Pakistan), Jan 18, 2016 – ….However, the region has integrated itself into one of the most economically integrated regions of the world, known as the European Union. Some of the salient features of this Union are free trade, a common currency and a single visa policy for all the member countries…. This is a lesson for all other regions of the world, which are struggling towards integrating themselves due to political reasons.
A region which can learn from the European Union is South Asia…. All countries in this region blame the political tensions between Pakistan and India to be a major hurdle towards economic integration in South Asia…. But the question arises, how did Europe managed to set aside all its differences and integrate? If Europe can do it, why can’t we?
Believe It Or Not, Brexit Is Actually Helping The European Union
Whole process of Brexit being so complicated, so difficult, made people realize that you don’t leave the EU so easily
Morning Edition, National Public Radio (transcript), April 22, 2019 – ….Euroskeptic parties in France, the Netherlands and Sweden have since backed off calls for Frexit, Nexit (ph) or Swexit (ph) referenda and focused on changing the EU from inside. In the last decade, the EU has weathered an immigration and a financial crisis.
VIDEO: BLOC HEADS (2013) European Union
Fintan O’Toole: EU at its strongest when on brink of abyss
Banner under which the EU has marched forward has two short words inscribed on it: ‘or else’
Irish Times, Feb 21, 2016 – What can be said for the European Union is that it allowed its most powerful member states to imagine for themselves a post-imperial place in the world. With the exception of little Luxembourg, all the founding states of the EU were former colonial powers. They were joined over time by others: Portugal, Spain and, of course, the UK. The EU helped them to move, however incompletely, away from their imperial mindsets and helped Europe to get over its sense of itself as the centre of the universe.
All of these achievements were fuelled, not so much by idealism, as by fear. The banner under which the EU has marched forward has two short words inscribed on it: “or else”. The union’s 28 members must leave an empty seat at the table for a ghostly 29th: the abyss. The knowledge of how close the continent is to savagery and chaos is vital to the very existence of the union…. Maybe the British referendum will be the moment at which the EU begins to reconnect with its roots in the positive side of fear.
by the European Commission
Federalists’ solution of fiscal union may be what’s needed to preserve European project long term
Now, more than ever, that ‘closer union’ means decisive steps toward political integration.
CNBC, Feb 22, 2016 – ….First, there is a radical approach advocated by EU “federalists.” That would involve a common fiscal policy managed by the euro area finance ministry – a supranational institution like the European Central Bank (ECB). That, of course, would involve a complete and formal transfer of sovereignty over important state functions because it would also necessitate harmonization of social and labor market legislations.
A toast to Europe and its ideals
Reports of the impending disunion of Europe are exaggerated
The Straits Times (Singapore), Dec 28, 2015 – ….However, as is often the case when “received wisdom” takes a hold, the story of Europe’s decline and impending doom is much exaggerated…. In short, far from splintering the EU, the euro tussle has added another layer of glue to existing European institutions. And the same can be said about the crisis that overshadowed the second half of this year, the one prompted by the vast inflow of refugees.
The “order out of chaos” Jean Monnet method of incrementally breaking down the sovereignty of nation-states to cause their surrender to a centrally controlled European super-state is working as planned.
Four euro zone countries risk breaking EU rules with 2016 budgets
Reuters, Nov 17, 2015 – Italy, Lithuania, Austria and Spain risk breaking European Union rules with their 2016 budget plans, the European Commission said on Tuesday, while France might also not meet some of the fiscal targets set out by EU finance ministers…. The Commission, the EU executive arm, checks draft budget plans of euro zone countries every year to see if they are in line with the Stability and Growth Pact, which sets rules for EU budgets.
The EU now has assumed more power over member nations than the federal government of the United States that has no constitutional oversight of states’ budgets.
Vatican Proposes European Union as Example of ‘a Supranational State’
Breitbart, April 26, 2019 – The European Union (EU) is “an example of what could become a supranational state,” according to the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences in the lead-up to a major conference against nationalism.
In its full-court press for globalism and international migration, the Vatican insists on describing nationalism in exclusively negative terms, opening its “Concept Note” for its May 1-3 conference by saying that the world “is facing today a growing threat of nationalist revival,” which “leads to mutual rejection and enduring conflicts.”….
“Globalization and migrations inspire the fear that nations could lose their cultural identity and their political independence.”
Nazis created ‘basic plan’ for European Union, Ukip MEP Gerard Batten says
Nazi report proposed ‘harmonisation’ of European currencies, currency system
Sections on Agriculture, Industry, Employment, Transport, Trade, Currency
The Independent (London, UK), May 15, 2016 – The Nazis drew up the “basic plan” for the European Union decades before it was actually established, a Ukip MEP has claimed. Gerard Batten on Monday stepped up to defend Boris Johnson, who on Sunday attracted criticism for likening the EU’s aims to those of Adolf Hitler. Mr Batten however suggested Mr Johnson had actually underplayed the connections between the EU and the Nazis, and that the bloc had “closer links” with the fascists than many realized.
“In 1942 when the Germans still thought they were going to win the war they produced a report…. “The report contained sections on Agriculture, Industry, Employment, Transport, Trade, Economic Agreements, and Currency. It proposed the ‘harmonisation’ of European currencies and a harmonised currency system.
Boris Johnson: The EU wants a superstate, just as Hitler did
The Telegraph (London, UK), May 14, 2016 – In a dramatic interview with the Telegraph, he warns that while bureaucrats in Brussels are using “different methods” from the Nazi dictator, they share the aim of unifying Europe under one “authority”…. The former mayor of London, who is a keen classical scholar, argues that the past 2,000 years of European history have been characterised by repeated attempts to unify Europe under a single government in order to recover the continent’s lost “golden age” under the Romans.
Videos: European Union’s Pagan Foundation
European Union’s Woman on the Beast
European Union’s Tower of Babel
EU is a complete democracy-free zone: Varoufakis
The Indian Express, Feb 9, 2016 – Former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis spoke at a debate panel in Berlin, Monday, on the European Union’s need for reforms, ahead of leaunching his own left-wing, pan-European political movement.
Varoufakis accused the European Union (EU) of being a “complete democracy-free zone” as “there is no sovereignty.” He added that despite the national representatives being elected, “the body that makes the decisions is not answerable to anyone,” adding that “no one can fire it. No one can fire the European Union Council.”
The end of the European nation-state?
The Week (UK), Oct 1, 2015 – One component of this project has been to — under the logic of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” — use European monies and rhetorical talk of diversity to strengthen regional identities within its nation-states. The idea is that if I’m a French Basque and I feel strongly about my Basque identity and my European identity, my French identity will be, as it were, squeezed out. And if competencies are simultaneously devolved down from the nation-state to regions, and up to the EU, nation-states will be hollowed out.
Free trade area v single market – what’s the difference?
After Brexit, UK would be part of EU ‘Free Trade Zone’ but not ‘single market’
BBC News, April 19, 2016 – The UK economy could thrive outside the European Union, but may not form part of the single market, Leave campaign leader Michael Gove has said…. A free trade area is one where there are no tariffs or taxes or quotas on goods and/or services from one country entering another…. A single market is like a free trade area in that there are no tariffs quotas or taxes on trade but also where there is free movement of goods, services, capital and people. That is why there is no limit on the number of French people who can come to the UK, or the number of British people who can live in Spain, but there are limits on Turks or Ukrainians….
The EU is therefore not a free trade area – it is a single market.
Banking union or bust
The EU can only survive by fully integrating its banks into a common system
by R. Daniel Kelemen, Al Jazeera America, Aug 3, 2015 – It is now obvious that the Eurozone is an incomplete monetary union, lacking key attributes of successful currencies, and that this incompleteness makes the Eurozone prone to crisis. And the current crisis in Greece — along with previous iterations of the crisis in Ireland, Spain and Cyprus — demonstrates that Europe can’t have a stable currency union until it has a true banking union…. A true banking union must combine common supervision of banks, a common mechanism for the resolution of failed banks and common deposit insurance.
Brussels attacks: Europe is acting as a ‘welcome sign’ to terrorists, warns former Tory leader
EU Leaders demand more, not less Europe
‘Europe must go all the way…invest in a common security and defence structure’
The Telegraph (London, UK), March 22, 2016 – George Eustice, a Eurosceptic minister, told The Telegraph that the Schengen zone enabled “terrorists to move around freely” and said Britain could only take back full control of its borders if it leaves the EU….
The attacks led to demands for more, not less Europe from other EU leaders such as Matteo Renzi, the Italian prime minister, who argued that “closing borders won’t solve anything” and urged deeper EU security cooperation. “Europe must go all the way this time. We must invest in a common security and defence structure,” he said. “This is not the time for jackals, but nor is it the time for doves. We need a European pact, a pact for freedom and security.”
Barroso: Crisis Will Strengthen EU Political Union
Haaretz (Israel), July 13, 2012 – [European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso] forecasts that the current storm will end with a rainbow, whether it is called a “European federation” or “political union” or any other term that reflects a supra-national utopia: the dream of realizing a “United States of Europe.”
“Paradoxically,” Barroso says, “the crisis is leading to the strengthening of the integration movement in Europe. No one is discussing the discarding of the euro, but the opposite. We are discussing the establishment of a fiscal union and a banking union, which will have a common overseer. Those moves will complete the economic and monetary union which already exists and ultimately lead to the establishment of true political union.”
EU urges members to submit draft budgets
Boston Globe, Oct 16, 2014 – EU authorities Wednesday warned eurozone countries, including France and Italy, to hand in their draft budgets by the end of the day under rules aimed at staving off future financial crises. Since the revelation of a huge hole in Greek finances five years ago set off a devastating debt crisis, member states of the currency bloc must submit draft budgets to the European Commission, the European Union’s executive arm, by mid-October.
The EU now has claimed more authority over member countries than the U.S. federal government has over the states, since the U.S. government has no constitutional power to review states’ budgets.
Goldman squid grabs Europe – Asia Times, April 20, 2012 – The Goldman Sachs coup that [so far] failed in America has nearly succeeded in Europe – a permanent, irrevocable, unchallengeable bailout for the banks underwritten by the taxpayers….Europe’s national budgets in the hands of one single unelected intergovernmental organization? Is that the future of Europe? Is that the new EU – a Europe devoid of sovereign democracies?
Some in Britain say EU is bringing a new ‘Marxist revolution’ Los Angeles Times, November 25, 2012 – Looking at Europe from this side of the English Channel, Peter Reeve doesn’t see a “cuddly” continent of biscotti, Burgundy and BMWs. He sees the evil specter of Soviet Russia. Only this time, it’s Brussels, not Moscow, at the center of an expanding, metastasizing super-government bent on turning independent nations like France and Germany into vassal states. Instead of the Soviet Union, it’s the European Union that scares him.
THE CRISIS OF EUROPEAN DEMOCRACY – New York Times, May 22, 2012 – Perhaps the most troubling aspect of Europe’s current malaise is the replacement of democratic commitments by financial dictates — from leaders of the European Union and the European Central Bank, and indirectly from credit-rating agencies, whose judgments have been notoriously unsound.
The EU Should Act Like an Empire – The Daily Beast, July 14, 2015 – The unpalatable truth is that the EU needs to behave like an empire. All its members will benefit if it secures the periphery. All will lose if it doesn’t. The largely overlooked consequence of the Greek crisis is that Europe has already taken some important steps towards greater integration. The European Parliament debate in which Alexis Tsipras faced a fiery critique from Guy Verhofstadt, a Belgian liberal, was a remarkable first: that often-despised body played its real role as a sounding-board for trans-European public opinion. In short, the same combination of political will and institutional muscle which the EU needs to exert in Greece is what is also needed in Ukraine. For that matter, it could also make the EU into a lethal adversary for the Putin regime in Moscow.
Tormenting Greece is about sending a message that we are now in a new EU – Irish Times, July 14, 2015 – What’s the difference between the Mafia and the current European leadership? The Mafia makes you an offer you can’t refuse. The leaders of the European Union offer you a deal you can neither refuse nor accept without destroying yourself. The European Union as we have known it ended over the weekend. That EU project was all about the gradual convergence of equal nations into an “ever closer union”. That’s finished now…. A new idea has been shoved into the foundations of the EU – the idea that a member state can and will be brought to heel.
In Greece, defiance dissipates into capitulation – Washington Post, July 10, 2015 – But by Friday, the euphoria had faded as Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’s vows to stand up to Europe caved to the harsh realization that the birthplace of democracy stood just 48 hours away from financial ruin — and Greeks were poised to swallow what amounted to the same dose of austerity they had refused in a vote Sunday…. Greece’s troika of lenders — the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund — discussed Greece’s request for a bailout in a conference call Friday afternoon.
The Euro Shows the Way for the EU – Carnegie Europe, July 14, 2015 – The euro was originally designed to make European integration irreversible by forcing Europe’s nations to integrate politically as a result of deep economic integration. The goal was to create peace in a traditionally violent continent through integration so deep and comprehensive that the old patterns of European conflict would become obsolete. And the euro created exactly that kind of dynamic. Monetary union pressed ahead with economic integration so dramatically that much deeper political cooperation became necessary to keep the powers at bay that the euro unleashed. The financial crisis after the 2008 collapse of Lehman Brothers demonstrated the impossibility of integrating economically without also integrating politically.
Greece Agrees Its Third European Bailout After Marathon Talks
The terms of the deal are the harshest Greece has ever faced from its creditors
Time, July 13, 2015 – Indeed, the terms of the bailout that European leaders agreed over the weekend were far harsher than the ones Greek voters had rejected only a week earlier. To regain the trust of its creditors, Greece will have to scrape together about $50 billion in state assets, which will effectively be used as collateral on the latest package of emergency loans to Greek banks and the Greek government. None of Greece’s previous bailouts have included such draconian terms.
Farage on Friday: The EU does NOT care about what is best for Greece – Daily Express (London, UK), July 3, 2015 – By Nigel Farage, MEP – As I have said time and again, year after year, the Euro project wasn’t about economics. It wasn’t about a more prosperous future for European citizens, but about a political project. By tying countries together with the single currency, political integration was achievable at a more rapid rate by those who wanted to see a United States of Europe.
Nigel Farage, a former commodity broker, is a Member of the European Parliament as the leader of Britain’s UK Independence Party (UKIP), the leading voice in calling for the UK’s exit from the European Union.
The European Union needs a new vision – CNN, May 19, 2014 – More than six decades ago, the European Movement’s founder Jean Monnet shared his vision for the region’s nascent union, prescribing money as a means to heal the wounds left by two world wars. “The fusion” of Europe’s economic ties, he said, would compel its nations “to fuse their sovereignty” as well “into that of a single European state.”
Vladimir Putin: Hero of the European Union – Breitbart, March 14, 2014 – Vladimir Putin’s adventurism in the Ukraine has had a strange side effect: it may well have prolonged the life of his chief rival and antagonist – the European Union – by several years.
See the article, “Kissinger: World Order and the New Cold War“
Thank you, Mr. Putin – DW (Deutsche Welle – Germany), March 21, 2014 – “With your annexation of the Crimea you have thrown a much-needed lifeline to…European integration…”
Vladimir Putin is the EU’s ‘recruiting sergeant’, says Boris Johnson – The Telegraph (UK), Aug 4, 2014 – Russia’s increasingly aggressive actions on the borders of eastern Europe are acting as a “recruiting-sergeant for Brussels”, said Boris Johnson. Writing in the The Telegraph, Mr Johnson said that Russia’s annexation of Crimea and support for separatists in Ukraine were helping to bind countries like Poland more tightly into the European Union.
Nigel Farage isn’t the biggest threat to the Eurosceptic cause. Vladimir Putin is -Spectator (UK), May 14, 2015 – In contrast to Islam, Vladimir Putin and his brand of authoritarian white conservative Christian Orthodoxy makes a perfect villain against which the multiculturalist, socially liberal, atheistic European Union leaders can unite its people…. Russia’s emergence as a new opponent is certainly bad news for European conservatives, and for Eurosceptics in particular.
Cameron seeks limits on EU judicial powers, migration – Oman Daily Observer, March 16, 2014 – British Prime Minister David Cameron will seek to prevent mass migration and European Union interference in police and judicial matters, he said on Sunday, providing the most detail yet on how he intends to reform the country’s relationship with the EU. Under pressure from euro-sceptics in his Conservative Party and the UK Independence Party (UKIP) ahead of European elections in May, Cameron has promised to reshape Britain’s ties with the EU before giving Britons a vote on whether to leave the 28-nation bloc if he wins next year’s national election.
European Union: Technocracy triumphs over Democracy – AllVoices, Dec. 24, 2011 – The European crisis has made it clear that financial capital determines what governments must do not the politicians. While democracy is allowed as long as elected governments do what financial capital demands, when governments fail to meet those demands they are replaced by unelected technocrats.
Supporting Terror: EU States Buying Islamic State Oil – Arutz Sheva (Israel), Sept 7, 2014 – The Ambassador for the European Union (EU) in Iraq, Jana Hybaskova, admitted last week that several EU member states have bought oil from the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) terrorist organization that has been brutally conquering large portions of Iraq and Syria.
Church of England campaigning for EU integration – The Telegraph (UK), Feb 13, 2015 – The Church of England is preparing to campaign for greater European Union integration, in a move that will anger senior Conservatives ahead of the general election…. It raises the prospect of the Church actively campaigning for the EU in the build-up to the in-out referendum promised by David Cameron.
Europe’s Lifetime Achievement Award: The Nobel Prize – Council on Foreign Relations, October 12, 2012 – Europe’s third, and continuing, contribution has been in serving as both a model of and force for peace on the global stage. We live, of course, in a world of proliferating regional and subregional organizations. And regional integration will inevitably take different forms reflecting local contexts, as we see in bodies from the African Union (AU) to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
Reaction as EU wins Peace Prize – Reuters, October 12, 2012 – MARTIN CALLANAN, LEADER OF THE EUROSCEPTIC CONSERVATIVES AND REFORMISTS PARTY IN THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT….”Presumably this prize is for the peace and harmony on the streets of Athens and Madrid….”
Europe’s debt crisis: A nudge toward a common security policy – Foreign Policy, October 5, 2012 – The global community is focused on the EU’s efforts to implement the fiscal union that its currency union now demands, but ambitious eurocrats are quietly pursuing an even more fundamental change for the bloc: a truly common foreign and security policy.
The EU’s architects never meant it to be a democracy – London Telegraph, Nov. 14, 2011 – The idea first conceived back in the 1920s by two senior officials of the League of Nations – Jean Monnet and Arthur Salter, a British civil servant – was a United States of Europe, ruled by a government of unelected technocrats like themselves.
Push for European Integration is Politics, Not Economics – Atlantic Sentinel, June 10, 2012 – In fact, the push for European integration in spite of the clear wishes of voters in core eurozone countries is exactly what fuels the anti-European sentiment that Wolf despises….Which raises the question, does he want want an even bigger bailout fund, does he want eurobonds and does he want to keep the euro together because it makes economic sense for Germany and the other countries in the euro or because he wants this political project to succeed?
Scotland could stop UK leaving European Union – The National (Scotland), June 5, 2015 – “Indeed, these new Scottish powers may mean that [Prime Minister David] Cameron is able to negotiate restrictions on migrant access to benefits only in parts of the UK outside Scotland, as the UK Government is unable to legislate on Scottish matters. This links with a broader issue of whether the UK Government would actually be able to negotiate an exit from the EU, as this would directly affect Scotland’s competences as set out in the Scotland Act, which requires the UK to gain Scottish consent.”
Eurozone crisis: Will it create a United States of Europe?
Economic Times (India), Feb. 19, 2012 – This thesis runs as follows….”The crafty way forward is to force the pace of European integration faster than the public wants. This will, of course, lead to crises. But every crisis will force voters to choose between greater unification and the huge costs of de-integration. Hopefully they will repeatedly opt for greater unification. In the process, they will give up facet after facet of their national identity and culture….Our solution was Machiavellian….”
Europe sketches clearer picture on banking, fiscal union
Reuters, June 20, 2012 – One concern is that if they try to move too far, too fast, governments and voters across Europe may reject what many see as a push for a federalised Europe, with too much national sovereignty given up to unelected powers in Brussels. Move too slowly and the lack of confidence financial markets already have in European decision-making will be exacerbated.
A Banking Union Baby Step
BusinessWorld, July 3, 2012 – Economic (and political) logic requires that the eurozone will soon also need a common bank rescue fund. Officially, this has not yet been acknowledged. But that is often the way that European integration proceeds: an incomplete step in one area later requires further steps in related areas. This incremental approach has worked well in the past; indeed, today’s European Union resulted from it.
Created Crises and the ’19th Nervous Breakdown’
Videos: Nigel Farage: EU Parliament, Strasbourg, 7-3-12
‘Bailouts’ Subjugate Nation States 10-23-12
Brussels is like a cult 7-7-12
European leaders’ breakthrough defied expectations – Boston Globe | Associated press, June 29, 2012 – The decisions made at the European Union summit in Brussels won’t end the crisis that has gripped Europe for nearly three years….But for EU leaders who have consistently underwhelmed their exasperated publics and nervous financial markets, Friday’s plans marked a breakthrough.
Why is Europe avoiding the F-word? – BBC News, August 26, 2012 – European leaders who think closer integration will fix the euro crisis rarely use the word “federalism”, but why not, if that is what they mean? Is this form of political alliance really so embarrassing?
Euro crisis: Leaders debate the F-word – Global Post, May 28, 2012 – Europe’s single currency needs to be underpinned by an independent central bank that can issue a single bond for the whole euro area. It needs a single fiscal policy. Most important, it needs a single democratically elected government to oversee the economy the euro serves. There’s a word for this arrangement among states. Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher knew it well: “Federalism.”
How We’ll Build European Monetary Union 2.0– By Olli Rehn (vice president of the European Commission and commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs and the Euro) , Wall Street Journal, August 12, 2012 – The sovereign-debt crisis has both underlined the need and created the conditions for Europe to rebuild and reinforce its economic and monetary union. Thus the euro zone will continue to defy its detractors.
European Union to turn into United States of Europe? – Pravda (Russia), August 2, 2012 – The interdependence of the economies in Europe is too high, so the collapse of the South in any case will have a catastrophic effect on its north. A creation of something similar to the “United States of Europe”, but under the auspices of Berlin, can be another way out.
Major new drive to claw back powers from EU ‘superstate’ – The Telegraph (London), September 22, 2012 – Last week Jose Manuel Barroso, the president of the European Commission, set the middle of 2014 as a target for achieving plans to turn the EU into a “federation of nation states” – a move which would be likely to see such sweeping transfers of sovereignty that it would trigger a referendum in Britain under new laws passed by the coalition.
Barroso Calls for EU Federation, Deep Political Union – Wall Street Journal, September 12, 2012 – Europe must become a “federation of nation states” to overcome its economic crisis and remain a global powerhouse, European Commission President José Manuel Barroso said Wednesday as he laid out his vision of the bloc’s political future.
Think Again: The Eurocrisis – Foreign Policy, July 23, 2012 – But before writing the euro’s obituary, let’s remember: The driving force behind a European currency union was never purely or even principally financial. It was political — and these binding forces remain strong.
Where’s Charlemagne When We Need Him?
New York Times, June 30, 2012 (Google link) – A new imperial construct embracing all nations, religions and non-totalitarian ideologies might well be the only alternative to the revival of tribalism with all its tragic consequences. And it will be the sacred task of leaders to make the rest of society see this as an exalted, almost religious goal: a new European faith that belongs to no church.
[ And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. – Revelation 13:1]
Blair urges European Union to ‘elect President’ – Newstrack India, October 30, 2012 – Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair has urged the European Union to have an elected president, just a few weeks after saying that he would be keen to take up the job.
Monti Glimpses EU Political Union and Chides Germany – Wall Street Journal, Feb. 20, 2012 – Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti on Monday said that “significant steps” have been taken towards European integration and that the public has not fully cottoned on to all of them. The agreement that national governments will submit their annual budgets to Brussels before sending them to their own legislative assemblies “gives an idea of political union,” Mr. Monti said…
Europe forges fiscal union, sees way out of crisis – Associated Press, Dec. 9, 2011 – To prevent excessive deficits, countries in the treaty will have to submit their national budgets to the European Commission, the executive body of the EU, which will have the power to send them back for revision.
Europe signs up to German-led fiscal pact – Reuters, Jan. 30, 2012 – Only Britain and the Czech Republic refused to sign a fiscal compact in March that will impose quasi-automatic sanctions on countries that breach European Union budget deficit limits and will enshrine balanced budget rules in national law….”It is the first step towards a fiscal union. It certainly will strengthen confidence in the euro area,” ECB President Mario Draghi said.
Ireland approves European Union fiscal treaty – Los Angeles Times, June 2, 2012 – The pact obliges countries to keep their budget deficits to 3% of gross domestic product or less and caps the amount of government debt they can rack up. Breaching the rules can result in heavy fines. Only Ireland has put the accord to a popular vote….But opponents warned that Ireland was surrendering some of its hard-won sovereignty. They also object to the punishing austerity cuts that Ireland has imposed in exchange for being bailed out by its European partners and the International Monetary Fund.
Greece is being destroyed by ‘respectable’ fanatics – By Nick Cohen, London Guardian, Feb. 18, 2012 – Europe is now offering to revive Greece by impoverishing it; to heal it by harming it. As Tacitus said of the Roman legions’ earlier attempt to impose a European union: “They make a desert and call it peace.”
UKIP Nigel Farage – How dare you tell the Italian and Greek people what to do!
Videos: European Parliament, Strasbourg 11-16-11
European Parliament, Strasbourg 9-28-11
European Parliament, Strasbourg 2-15-12
Mandelson: Federal Europe Is Inevitable – Sky News, May 3, 2012 – Former senior Labour Minister Lord Mandelson believes a more federal European Union is inevitable, and he is urging David Cameron not to hold a referendum on Europe as a “panicky” response to a rise in support for Ukip [UK Independence Party].
France threatens to pull out of borderless Europe – KFVS|Associated Press, April 26, 2012 – In the heat of France’s presidential election campaign, the French government insisted Thursday that if the European Union didn’t back its tougher line to fight illegal immigration it would lead to the demise of the continent’s borderless travel zone….Under current rules, the so-called Schengen zone of 26 European nations protects its common outside borders only, and allows free travel inside the member nations. The Schengen zone concept will become common to all of the world’s geopolitical regions and is identical to the Obama-Harper “Beyond the Border” agreement’s “continental security perimeter“ for North America. Only in this context does the U.S. border security dereliction and illegal alien influx become clear. North America is being intentionally amalgamated both culturally and economically, as downward pressure is being placed upon the American middle class toward a two-class oligarchic system.
Germany starting gun registry – Toronto Sun, April 29, 2012 – Germany is building its own gun registry, complying with a future database rule that will cover the entire European Union….Under the new law, German police will be allowed to enter people’s homes unannounced to see if their legal weapons are properly stored….The European Union has mandated that all member states must have a computerized data-filing system registering all firearms in place by 2014.
Brussels orders EU flag must fly over Whitehall every day… and we could be fined if we fail to comply – London Daily Mail, April 28, 2012 – Eric Pickles reacted with fury last night after being ordered by Brussels to fly the EU flag continuously over Whitehall….But under the proposed change, drafted by the European Commission and due to take effect within the next two years, the flag would have to fly permanently outside any organisation which managed development funding from Brussels….including Cambridge University, Jamie Oliver’s 15 restaurant in Cornwall and The Crucible Theatre in Sheffield…
EU voters, citizens rebel against austerity – BusinessWeek | Associated Press, April 24, 2012 – For more than a year European Union officials seeking to solve Europe’s debt crisis have been baying for austerity, austerity and more austerity….Governments have fallen, more are at risk and, in some places a stark streak of nationalism seems on the rise that could swing Europe ever deeper into a fortress mentality.
China Says Has ‘Confidence’ in EU’s Crisis Measures – CNBC, May 2, 2012 – The European Union’s efforts in establishing a permanent rescue fund to prevent financial risks is ‘laudable’ and have boosted market confidence in the region, China’s Vice-Premier Li Keqiang said….Last year, China nearly doubled its investment in Europe and bought bonds issued by European nations, including Portugal, Greece and Hungary.
Europe signs up to German-led fiscal pact – Reuters, Jan. 30, 2012 – Only Britain and the Czech Republic refused to sign a fiscal compact in March that will impose quasi-automatic sanctions on countries that breach European Union budget deficit limits and will enshrine balanced budget rules in national law….”It is the first step towards a fiscal union. It certainly will strengthen confidence in the euro area,” ECB President Mario Draghi said.
Germany Must Decide What the European Union Is For – Clive Crook, Bloomberg, Feb. 16, 2012 – Gideon Rachman writes in the Financial Times: “Across southern Europe, the ‘ugly German’ is back — accused of driving other nations into penury, deposing governments and generally barking orders at all and sundry.” The European Union was intended to bury that caricature once and for all. Instead it has brought the ugly German back to life.
Bailing out the European Union – Town Hall, Jan. 10, 2012 – But it’s over the top when Obama told the European Council president and the European Commission president that “the United States stands ready to do our part” to bail out Europe. Bailing out Europe is absolutely not any “part” of “our” duty; we’ve already bailed out Europe more times than it deserves.
China’s new role in the making of Europe – Asia Times, Jan. 9, 2012 – The Chinese renaissance should be seen by Europe as a source of synergies. At the operational level, it is time for the European policymakers to build mechanisms to facilitate Chinese investment within the European Union.
Europe needs economic union to escape crises – IMF – Reuters, April 18, 2012 – Euro zone policymakers must lay out a clear path toward fiscal union and supervise their banks centrally if they are to restore market confidence in monetary union and achieve lasting financial stability, the International Monetary Fund said on Wednesday….”European authorities need to provide investors with a clear vision of where monetary union is going, because the answer to this is more and better Europe, not less Europe,” said Jose Vinals, IMF financial counsellor in releasing the report.
2012: A U.S. Referendum on Europe – Wall Street Journal, Jan. 3, 2012 (Google Link) – What kicks off today in Iowa is America’s referendum on whether it wants to become an honorary member of the European Union….The problem for Mr. Romney is that he represents something of another European specialty: the dispassionate technocrat, data-driven, post-ideological, lacking in soul. GOP-leaning voters get that, too.
ECB’s Noyer Says Euro May Become Leading Currency, JDD Reports – Bloomberg, Jan 1, 2012 – The euro may become the world’s leading currency in a decade, Christian Noyer, European Central Bank governing council member, said in an interview with the French weekly Journal du Dimanche….If countries in Europe apply the decisions made in Brussels in December, the zone will emerge stronger, Noyer said.
Fed’s Dudley Says He Doesn’t Foresee Breakup of European Union – Bloomberg, Dec. 16, 2011 – Federal Reserve Bank of New York President William C. Dudley said he doesn’t foresee the European Union dissolving.
Germany told to act to save Europe – Financial Times (London), Nov. 27, 2011 (Google Link) – “I demand of Germany that, for your own sake and for ours, you help it survive and prosper….You know full well that nobody else can do it. I will probably be the first Polish foreign minister in history to say so…” Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski
Bankers Have Seized Europe: Goldman Sachs Has Taken Over – Paul Craig Roberts, PrisonPlanet, Nov.26, 2011 Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is the father of Reaganomics and the former head of policy at the Department of Treasury. He is a columnist and was previously an editor for the Wall Street Journal.
Bilderberg Leader Mario Monti Takes Over Italy in “Coup” – The New American, Nov. 16, 2011 – Italy’s new Prime Minister Mario Monti, who rose to power in what critics called a “coup d’etat,” …. is a leader in at least two of the most influential cabals in existence today: the secretive Bilderberg Group and David Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission. Nicknamed “Super Mario,” Monti is also an “international advisor” to the infamous Goldman Sachs, one of the most powerful financial firms in the world.
EU, ASEAN and the prospect of regionalism – Jakarta Post, Nov. 14, 2011 – For many years, especially in the aftermath of the Cold War, the European Union (EU) was a source of inspiration. It inspired other countries around the world to embrace regionalism….Taking the EU as an example, other regional institutions such as ASEAN, NAFTA, MERCOSUR [UNASUR] and the African Union have become better organized and more legally binding over time.
Banker Coup: Goldman Sachs Takes Over Europe –, Nov. 14, 2011 – [Italian Prime Minister] Berlusconi’s replacement is the ultimate globalist stooge, former EU Commissioner Mario Monti, an international advisor for Goldman Sachs, the European Chairman of David Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission and also a leading member of the Bilderberg Group.
Regime Change in Europe: Do Greece and Italy Amount to a Bankers’ Coup? – Time Magazine, Nov. 11, 2011 – Both countries have been tasked by the EU to attempt to restore confidence through deep cuts, sharp tax hikes and painful restructurings of the economy. The two technocrats have been tapped to lead because no politicians wants to face the electorate after doing what the markets have decreed needs to be done.
Analysis: Brussels takes heavy hand in euro crisis – Boston Globe | Associated Press, Nov. 12, 2011 – The normally fiercely independent-minded people of Greece and Italy – both countries in dire trouble over their sovereign debts – seem willing to accept as their new prime ministers technocrats who are veterans of pan-European institutions with reputations for meddling in national affairs.
Italy accepts IMF monitoring, EU looks for support – Reuters, Nov. 4, 2011 – Italy, under fierce pressure from financial markets and European peers, has agreed to have the IMF and the EU monitor its progress with long delayed reforms of pensions, labor markets and privatization, senior EU sources said on Friday.
Archbishop backs ‘Robin Hood tax’ calls – Financial Times (London), Nov. 2, 2011 (Google News Link) – The archbishop [of Canterbury] says the Church has a proper interest in ethics in the financial world and aligns himself with proposals from the Vatican for measures to increase taxation on banks and to reduce the threat they pose to the world economy. Reference: Vatican calls for global authority on economy, ‘Central World Bank’ – Reuters, October 24, 2011 – “Of course, this transformation will be made at the cost of a gradual, balanced transfer of a part of each nation’s powers to a world authority and to regional authorities…
Schäuble calls for EU lead on Tobin tax – Financial Times, Nov. 1, 2011 (Google News Link) – Arguing that further financial regulation was an essential part of tackling the global crisis, [Schäuble, Germany’s finance minister] said: “I am convinced that if we introduce a financial transaction tax in the EU, then the chances of getting a global agreement will increase enormously.
China’s Hu kicks off Europe visit, amid euro crisis – Breitbart, October 30, 2011 – China’s President Hu Jintao arrived in Vienna for a state visit ahead of a crucial G20 meeting in France, amid hopes that Beijing may lend a helping hand to the debt-stricken EU.
UKIP Nigel Farage – BBC Question Time Oct 2011 – YouTube Video, October 28, 2011 – “The political class in this country, all three political parties…have made their minds up. They’ve made their minds up, that [Britain] must be part of this new European state, and the one thing they will absolutely make sure we can never, ever do, is express our opinion on it.”
More Nigel, September 20. 2011 – YouTube [ Farage’s exposure of British Conservative Party PM Cameron’s duplicity bears striking parallels to American constitutionalists’ struggle with duplicitous neocons within the Republican Party establishment (i.e., Bush, Romney, Perry, Cain, et al).]
London ‘under constant attack’ from EU, says Cameron – Brietbart|AFP, October 28, 2011- Cameron’s statements coincided with reports that London Mayor Boris Johnson has written to Jose Manuel Barroso, European Commission president, to express his strong opposition to a proposed tax on financial transactions.
EU bailout fund chief visits China – Brietbart|AFP, October 27, 2011 – “If the Chinese, who have 60 percent of global reserves, decide to invest in the euro instead of the dollar, why refuse?”
Vatican calls for global authority on economy, ‘Central World Bank’ – Reuters, October 24, 2011 – “Of course, this transformation will be made at the cost of a gradual, balanced transfer of a part of each nation’s powers to a world authority and to regional authorities, but this is necessary at a time when the dynamism of human society and the economy and the progress of technology are transcending borders, which are in fact already very eroded in a globalized world.”
China makes ‘secret eurozone commitment’ – Google|AFP, October 16, 2011 – China has made a “secret commitment” to prop up the crisis-hit eurozone in return for budget reforms and public sector cuts, the Sunday Times reported, amid ongoing turmoil over the region’s debt crisis.
Pressure grows for ‘more Europe’ – Financial Times (London), October 16, 2011 – But if the 17 partners in the common currency are going to interfere in each others’ national fiscal strategies – hitherto regarded as the cornerstone of national sovereignty – then closer political integration is essential, say proponents.
The dangerous subversion of Germany’s democracy – The Telegraph (London), September 30, 2011 – Markets appear to be acting on the firm belief that [finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble] is lying to lawmakers, that there is indeed a secret plan, that it will be implemented once the inconvenience of the Bundestag’s vote on the EFSF tomorrow is safely out of the way, and that German democracy is being cynically subverted.
[Comment: The European Union is on a course to become more collective and stronger – not weaker – from the current debt crisis, as austerity measures are imposed upon leveraged nation-states, and stronger nations cede economic bailout powers to unelected eurocrats.]
Dollar Demise: China Wants a New Global Reserve Currency Says Strategist – YAHOO! Finance, July 1, 2011 – So Laidi says the next time “you think hell is going to freeze and the Euro is going to fall apart and break below $1.38,” keep an eye out for the Chinese response, be it a statement, a visit or something different, but always couched in the concept that Europe is “an important strategic partner.” One of the reasons Laidi says the Chinese are doing this is to…add passengers aboard…to a magical place called a New Global Reserve Currency.
Why China is Gung-ho About the Euro – International Business Times, June 28, 2011 – By putting its money where its mouth was, China effectively saved the euro, according to billionaire investor George Soros.….Previously, a Chinese official said “saving the euro is akin to saving globalization.“….Its worst nightmare is for the euro to collapse and have the US dollar solidify its monopoly as the only major international currency.
No trade with Israel
– By Stuart Reigeluth | Special to Gulf News (Dubai, U.A.E.), July 11, 2012 – The EU needs to place conditions on its trade relations with Israel if it wants to see any progress towards resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict….European Commissioner for Trade, Karel de Gucht, clarified the legal question posed by Members of the European Parliament, Brok and Moreira, by reiterating the official European position in Brussels that recognition of the EU-Israel ACCA will be granted “only on the basis that the territory covered by the Responsible Authority does not include territories brought under Israeli administration in 1967.”
Israel in EU and NATO? It’s Not So Crazy, Says Former Bulgarian FM – Turkish Weekly, July 10, 2012 – Israel should more assertively seek to join NATO and the European Union, Bulgaria’s former foreign minister has told The Times of Israel. If anybody is qualified to give Israel such advice, it’s likely Solomon Passy, who spearheaded the former Warsaw Pact member state’s successful membership bids to both unions.
[Is this carrot-and-stick approach by the European Union toward Israel a possibility? Full membership in the EU and NATO would be about the only “security” option that would prompt Israel to give up more land, even though it would place Jerusalem under EU dictates. – Daniel 9: 27; Isaiah 31:1 ]
Tony Blair seeks European banking union – UPI, June 14, 2012 – Envoy Tony Blair warned of a widening popular backlash against austerity and added his voice to calls for a pan-European banking union and fiscal integration….Blair is currently special envoy for the U.S., U.N., European Union and Russian coalition, or Quartet, mediating the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.
Now The European Union Starts To Ban Recycling – Forbes, October 7, 2012 – No, it’s not a spoof. It really is true that those tasked with running an entire continent, the bureaucrats in Brussels, think that putting home made jam (jelly to you perhaps) in used jam jars should be and is a crime. With serious penalties too:
EU Urges Nations to Step Up Power, Gas Market Integration – Bloomberg Businessweek, November 15, 2012 – The European Union urged the bloc’s national governments to step up integration of power and natural-gas markets in order to reduce energy prices and ensure secure supplies.