Kissinger: World Order and the New Cold War

Tim Porter, – Updated May 11, 2014
Is the Ukraine crisis the beginning of another cold war with Russia? “Kissinger: World Order and the New Cold War,” a four-minute YouTube video, explains how Ukraine and similar crises will be used in the globalist drive toward a New World Order. It also indicates the real motives behind the current push for “amnesty,” dereliction of border control policy and continual economic crises in the U.S.

The video features clips from a Berlin confab five years ago, where former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and other globalists described their vision of a global network of geopolitical regional blocs. Kissinger’s outline, as he wrote in his January, 2009 New York Times op-ed entitled, The Chance for a New World Order,’ included the probability of a “new mercantilism” of “competing regional units,”

Historical mercantilism of the 16th-18th centuries was characterized by economic and political consolidation of central power within empire governments. Kissinger’s new “regional mercantilism” would result in regional central authority over member nations within each bloc to counter the perceived (or conceived) economic or military threats from other blocs. This sinister plan for regional consolidation of political and economic resources in a crisis or war environment would stifle dissent among each region’s member nations, paving the way for eventual consolidation into a global New World Order network/federation of regional blocs.

Kissinger offered the regional mercantilism scenario as a threatening “stick” approach – a long-term alternative process in the event that nations today refuse to acquiesce to some sort of immediate “international political regulatory system.” Since grass-roots resistance among many national populations has rendered such a near-term global system unlikely, Kissinger’s “Order out of Chaos” regional mercantilism will likely occur.

In mercantilist fashion, regional blocs, including an eventual amalgamated “North America,” will jostle for advantage and to limit the political and economic influence of rival regions. What is being lost in media accounts of the Ukraine crisis is that it’s not just a European Union conflict with Russia over Ukraine, but with Vladimir Putin’s Eurasian Union, which he has publicly stated is modeled after the EU, NAFTA and other blocs, “based on WTO principles.”:

It is the Eurasian Union that is being targeted under the “Wolfowitz doctrine, ” named for neocon globalist, former World Bank president and U.S. deputy defense secretary Paul Wolfowitz. His aim was to prevent any bloc from becoming dominant among the world’s regions. Significantly, Putin’s EAU is positioned to gain influence as far south as Iran, as this website indicates:
‘Irans’s Increasing Cooperation on the Eurasian Union’
(OE Watch – Foreign Military Studies Office, May 2013) – “OE Watch Commentary: In February 2013 the Iranian Foreign Ministry organized a two-day seminar in Teheran [sic] entitled, ‘Iran and Regional Cooperation in Eurasia.’ Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi spoke at the event. According to the accompanying articles, he indicated Iran’s interest in joining the Russia-led Eurasian Union and spoke of Iran’s usefulness to the development and expansion of ‘Eurasianism.’ Mainstream media both in the West and in Russia had not reported on this statement. It is worth considering.”

The following excerpt is from a study describing this Machiavellian “region-building” process, presented by long-time State Dept. official and globalist MIT professor Lincoln P. Bloomfield Sr., as far back as 1962:
‘A World Effectively Controlled by the United Nations
Lincoln P. Bloomfield, March 10, 1962 (Prepared for IDA in support of a study submitted to the Department of State under contract No. SCC 28270, February 24, 1961) – “A ‘normal’ historical process, in which ever-larger units evolve through customs unions, confederation, regionalism, etc., until ultimately the larger units coalesce under a global umbrella, could take up to two hundred years ….I have suggested that an alternative road may bypass the main path of history ….  This relies on a grave crisis or war to bring about a sudden transformation in national attitudes sufficient for the purpose. According to this version, the [World] Order we examine may be brought into existence as a result of a series of sudden, nasty, and traumatic shocks…. combined with the development of evolutionary trends that might favor it as the time span stretches out.” (emphasis added)

The Ukraine crisis signals the beginning of Henry Kissinger’s new mercantilism. Accordingly, media reports from within both sides of today’s Ukraine crisis acknowledge the other region as being useful in the deeper integration of their own regional bloc:
‘Western Sanctions Against Russia May Boost Eurasian Economic Union’  – RT (Russia Today), March 20, 2014 – “What would then happen is that the Eurasian Economic Union would accelerate in scale very rapidly.”
 Thank You, Mr. Putin’ – DW (Deutsche Welle, Germany), March 21, 2014 – “With your annexation of the Crimea you have thrown a much-needed lifeline to…European integration…”:
Vladimir Putin: Hero of the European Union’ – Breitbart, March 14, 2014 – “Vladimir Putin’s adventurism in the Ukraine has had a strange side effect: it may well have prolonged the life of his chief rival and antagonist – the European Union…”

Putin’s Eurasian Union is one of ten major geopolitical regional blocs developing today, including the prototype European Union. See news summaries on each of the world’s emerging regional blocs at – and see the updated, full-length version of “BLOC HEADS: Builders of the New World Order.”

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