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Asean may displace China as economic hub ‘Not Africa, not Latin America, not Europe, not US…. It’s Southeast Asia’
Inquirer (Philippines), Jan 21, 2016 – It’s bound to be an “evolution” than a “revolution” but the newly-created Asean Economic Community (AEC) is seen to become the “center of the universe” and replace what used to be a China-dominated Asian economic narrative, said a regional executive of American banking giant Citibank…. “It’s also very clear that the center of the universe suddenly becomes us, amongst all other areas, not Africa, not Latin America, not Europe, not US—they’ve got their own issues. It’s Southeast Asia,” Low said. “This is why I feel so positive and encouraged by the medium-term prospects of Asean.” GET READY FOR THE AEC – by the Philippine ABAC
It’s sure to be a significant return on investment that can be realized just by tapping into the business climate within the globalists’ “region-building” strategy to empower ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations). The ten ASEAN members include communist Vietnam and other repressive regimes like Myanmar (Burma) and Cambodia, along with Thailand, the Philippines, and Singapore. This bloc of nations recently took the next step toward economic/political integration, patterned after the open borders of the European Union, by announcing the launch of the “ASEAN Economic Community.” Remember when the EU was first the “European Economic Community” in the 1950s and ’60s?
And please don’t buy into the rhetoric that the EU is falling apart. Many have been saying that for decades. All the while, the EU’s perpetual economic/financial crises, along with the current “refugee” debacle, only serve the Machiavellian globalists in their effort to overwhelm populations within member nations, and to erode their capacity to resist the further surrendering of sovereignty into a centrally controlled EU superstate. Through similar crises and by European Commission EMERGING STRONGER FROM THE CRISIS: THE EUROPEAN VISION
conflict, other regional blocs are being forged into existence, including those among the seemingly disparate nations of South America (UNASUR), Vladimir Putin’s Eurasian Union, and the Sunni kingdoms of the Arabian Peninsula, headed by Saudi Arabia. And in many of these and other regional blocs, US taxpayers’ foreign aid is providing the means.
The globalist strategy is clear: We Americans empower these regional blocs as economic and security threats to ourselves, so that globalists can then cite these threats as incentive for the U.S. to further open its borders to a North American bloc, to “keep up with the competition.” Doubt it? Read this:
US Border Agents to Inspect US-Bound Trucks on Mexican Soil Sharing Intelligence, ‘Joint Border Management in its Early Stages’ ‘Closer Border Ties’ include only cross-border airport outside the European Union
ABC News, Jan 12, 2016 – For the first time, U.S. border authorities will inspect trucks entering the United States on Mexican soil, working simultaneously with Mexican counterparts. The new facility in Tijuana, which aims to reduce congestion and speed cargo crossings into San Diego, overcame resistance in Mexico to letting U.S. officials carry guns.… The new “pre-inspection” facilities effectively meld two stops into one…. The latest demonstration of closer border ties came a month after a group of U.S. and Mexican investors opened an air terminal in San Diego with a bridge that crosses a razor-wire border fence to Tijuana’s airport, believed to be the only cross-border airport outside the European Union…. “Mexico has been very sensitive about U.S. agents operating on Mexican soil for the last couple centuries, since the Mexican-American War but particularly since the 1980s,” Wilson said. “It’s an issue of national sovereignty.…”
Still not convinced? Just scroll down the article links and summaries from the past several months on the News Updates page at CircumspectNews.com and it should become abundantly clear to you. Unless Americans realize that most of the crises around the world — and within America itself — are due to this “free trade” dereliction and “region-building” strategy, and unless they then confront politicians with this reality, the 2016 election will do nothing to reverse this course.
Then, the globalists can continue with their lucrative strategy to consolidate power in what Henry Kissinger called their “new mercantilism” of “competing regional units.” You can take that to the bank, if you don’t have a conscience.
Risks of further global trade fragmentation ‘becoming more salient’
International Monetary Fund Regional Economic Outlook, Asia and Pacific, May 2023 (Page 10)
"Risks of further global trade fragmentation are becoming more salient, considering ongoing US-China trade disputes (including new restrictions on trade in high-tech products) and heightened geopolitical tensions linked to Russia’s war in Ukraine.Asia remains especially vulnerable to reduced cross-border trade flows…and foreign direct investment…that could result from the world fragmenting into multiple blocs, with Asia’s exporters heavily exposed to the China, Europe, and the United States…" Download full IMF Report here.
Matthew 24:6
The Ukraine war is triggering the next stage in globalism’s great Hegelian dialectic. If nations fall for globalist Henry Kissinger's "new mercantilism" of "competing regional units," then nationalism will not subdue globalism--the ultimate antithesis to nations. Instead, EU-style regional blocs will be the globalists’ synthesis of both, and regional infrastructures will continue to usurp nations’ sovereignty. “Regionalization” may appear to be a setback for globalists' goal of “one-world government.” But Machiavellian globalists believe that imposed conflict among their emerging regional blocs will strengthen their world order in the long term.
Daniel 2:40
Machiavellian globalists are using war mongering and mercantilism to prompt emerging blocs to jostle against each other, pressuring the blocs to further strengthen and develop simultaneously, in response to economic competition and perceived security threats from other blocs. This crisis pretext is being used to spook populations into allowing regional institutions to consolidate power and regulatory control of resources away from the sovereignty of each bloc’s member nations, as has already occurred in the European Union.
A woman rides the beast, "having seven heads, and ten horns." (Revelation 17:3)
Revelation 17: 3, 12-13
Once consolidation of power within regions has occurred, alliances with other blocs can be forged. All the blocs can then be tied into an authoritarian "New World Order" federation of regional blocs, with minimal resistance.
As was typical of historic mercantilism, media reports within both sides of today's Ukraine war acknowledge thatmilitary/economic threats from the other region are useful in the deeper integration/consolidation of power within their own regional bloc. Here are some examples:
● THE GREAT EURASIAN ECONOMIC REALIGNMENT Sanctions may accelerate Russia’s economic integration with Asia City Journal, March 17, 2022 - What has not been widely considered, however, is the possibility that Russia welcomes this outcome. If Russia is betting on economic divorce from Europe, including in energy, then sanctions and boycotts counterintuitively support, rather than frustrate, Russian strategy. ● EUROPEAN UNION AMBASSADOR SAYS RUSSIA-UKRAINE CRISIS HAS UNIFIED THE EU AND NATO: 'FOR US, THIS IS EXISTENTIAL' CBS News, Feb 16, 2022 - “I think Russia thought it could divide and conquer us, and it has actually united the European Union and NATO more than we have arguably been ever before,” he said. ● HOW WILL RUSSIAN AND ASIAN TRADE DEVELOP IF THE US & EU PUT MORE SANCTIONS IN PLACE? Moscow has already diversified its supply chains away from the EU Russia Briefing, Jan 17, 2022 - In short, the Crimea sanctions have had the effect of motivating Russia to diversify its supply chains, reduce dependence upon Europe, and to develop new markets, especially in Asia. ● WESTERN SANCTIONS AGAINST RUSSIA MAY BOOST EURASIAN ECONOMIC UNION – RT (Russia Today), March 20, 2014 – “What would then happen is that the Eurasian Economic Union would accelerate in scale very rapidly.” ● 'THANK YOU, MR PUTIN' – DW (Deutsche Welle, Germany), March 21, 2014 - “With your annexation of the Crimea you have thrown a much-needed lifeline to…European integration…” ● VLADIMIR PUTIN: HERO OF THE EUROPEAN UNION – Breitbart, March 14, 2014 – “Vladimir Putin’s adventurism in the Ukraine has had a strange side effect: it may well have prolonged the life of his chief rival and antagonist – the European Union…”
Penn Live, May 12, 2023 (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, June 7) – The notion of the ‘one large power’ is over. The idea is that globalization could never have been a monolith – a self-sustaining whole but rather something that is interrelated with local and regional needs. Regional hubs will create a world led by two nearly equal powers, surrounded by trade satellites – one we expect to be a U.S.-led side that includes USMCA, Latin America, and Europe. The other, a Chinese-led side that will include Asia-Pacific, Central Asia, and parts of Africa. The writer’s number of regional "satellites" is short of the roughly ten major regional blocs that are in existence today. They are still in a state of flux, conflict, development and consolidation of power, but the Bible's latter-day scenario of ten contemporaneous kingdoms is coming into view.
By Tim Porter
As it has for decades, the media establishment’s recent fake news about fake news has contained assertions that any accounts of a developing “New World Order” are part of a crazy, xenophobic “conspiracy theory.” Media pundits perpetuate this myth even though graduates entering their profession from numerous universities increasingly have–or have rubbed shoulders with those who have–completed coursework in a curriculum called “global studies.” “Global studies” is today’s euphemistic successor to “world order studies” that began to spring up in colleges, universities and even high schools in the 1960s and early ’70s. Many of these utopian-minded globalists would not consider themselves or their objectives to be inherently evil, but theirs is a problem of perception–not only of themselves, but of the entire human race. READ MORE...
By Tim Porter, March 15, 2012- In the 1960s, a predominant view among Bible expositors was that when the European Common Market reached a total of ten western European nations, the time would be right for the fulfillment of the Bible's prophecies concerning the "ten kings." Roughly fifty years later, and after the European Union has grown to 27 member nations, those Bible teachers' inadvertent lesson is clear: When it comes to interpreting current events with Bible prophecy, one must take care not to be too dogmatic. A larger, global scenario has now emerged. It is a scenario that sees Europe not as being comprised of "ten kingdoms," but sees Europe itself as being one of the ten, albeit the most prominent among them. Surely, Europa is riding this beast
By Tim Porter, Updated July 14, 2014 - Members of Congress who talk about securing the U.S.-Mexico border, but all the while support “free trade,” are being totally dishonest. That’s because the “free flow of goods, services and people [labor]” across national borders within regional blocs is the very definition of their “free trade.” This “free trade” is not “free enterprise,” but “managed” trade, run by unelected, big gov/big business, (i.e., “fascist”) consortiums. It is the goal of all major “free trade” blocs of nations on earth, building upon created regulatory institutions such as NAFTA tribunals, to become vast regional political jurisdictions like the European Union, with its “free flow of people” within a continental “Schengen Zone” perimeter.
‘MONNET METHOD’: TEMPLATE FOR WORLD ORDER OUT OF CHAOS By Tim Porter, Dec 2, 2012 - The latest economic crisis, a "fiscal cliff," looms for the U.S. economy in 2013, with consequences for the entire global financial system. Clearly, this fiscal cliff is the result of dereliction in Washington. But the real problem in Washington is that many of these politicians from both major political parties, along with their special-interest backers, are also collaborators in a Machiavellian, crisis-creating process patterned after Europe's “Monnet method.”
By Tim Porter, Dec. 26, 2011 - What exactly are the U.S. objectives in all of these military deployments? President Obama’s latest deployment announcements shed broader light upon this habitual misuse of our military.
MADE IN NORTH AMERICA - As money-printing banksters and their derelict politicians deliberately tank the U.S. national economy, and products "Made in U.S.A." become more scarce, the "Made in North America" slogan will emerge as the only "solution" to restore economic confidence and compete with the rest of the world's regions. BUY NORTH AMERICAN AND SAVE OURSELVES By Robert Pastor, Globe and Mail (Canada), Feb. 11, 2012 - “Buy North American” could be the mantra for helping the U.S. recognize the importance of both neighbours.... Thus, the best way to multiply our exports and accelerate growth would be to create a seamless market and construct a North American transportation and infrastructure grid.... The “North American idea” has to be big enough to inspire people in all three countries to forge a formidable region able to compete with a dynamic East Asia.
By David Bay, March 12, 2011 - Once you understand this reality: that some countries and regions are lagging behind the rest of the world in being incorporated into the Global Economy and Government, and need to be boot-kicked into fully joining the world body, you will understand why we are now at war, and why we will keep on going to war, from the Middle East to the Korean Peninsula, to Indonesia, to Pakistan, to Cuba, to Somalia, Kenya, The Ivory Coast, Saudi Arabia, and to East Timor.
ALBERT PIKE: LUCIFERIAN - Facing north, just three blocks from the U.S. Capitol Reflecting Pool in Washington, D.C., stands a statue of Albert Pike, the most revered Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite Freemasons in history.
By Tim Porter, Nov. 25, 2008 - Are you struggling to make sense of the increasing instability in America’s financial system, as well as on our nation’s borders? As with many mysteries, the best way to start figuring all this out is to “follow the money.” In this case, track the trend toward “regionalization.”
Swaminathan S A Aiyar, Times of India, Feb. 19, 2012 - This thesis runs as follows…. "The crafty way forward is to force the pace of European integration faster than the public wants. This will, of course, lead to crises. But every crisis will force voters to choose between greater unification and the huge costs of de-integration. Hopefully they will repeatedly opt for greater unification. In the process, they will give up facet after facet of their national identity and culture…. "Our solution was Machiavellian…."
A Review of Thomas P.M. Barnett’s New York Times Bestseller, The Pentagon’s New Map (Berkley Publishing Group, 2004) By Tim Porter, June 2009 - Terrorism was the pretext to send American troops into the Middle East and Central Asia. According to Barnett, terrorism is not the real reason our troops are staying in the region. Despite Barack Obama’s campaign promises, troop deployments will continue to expand.
Tanzania Daily News 4/15/12 - Senators and Representatives of the Congress from the United States of America… paid an official visit to the Secretary General for the East African Community, Dr Richard Sezibera, in Arusha…. The delegation led by Senator James Inhofe,…. also included Senator John Boozman (Arkansas), Congressman Jeff Miller (Florida), Congressman Steve Pearce (New Mexico) and Congressman Vernon Buchanan (Florida)…. Also in attendance was the EAC Deputy Secretary General in charge of Political Federation, Ms Beatrice Kiraso. In his remarks, Senator Inhofe praised the Secretary General for leading his troops in the integration process…. A LETTER TO MY CONGRESSMAN ....You, Representative Miller, have contributed to this region-building, with your reversal to vote for CAFTA in 2005 (your switch determined its passage), and your recent trip to the East African Community (EAC), to support and encourage those nations’ economic and political integration....